名称 |
说明 |
This is addExplode, a member of class McDbBlockReference. | |
返回块表记录id | |
返回块记录中的实体坐标变换成wcs坐标的变换矩阵 | |
打碎块 | |
返回块的外包矩形框 | |
This is getClipPoints, a member of class McDbBlockReference. | |
This is GetInnerId, a member of class McDbBlockReference. | |
This is GetInnerListId, a member of class McDbBlockReference. | |
求两实体的交点 | |
申明类型信息 | |
This is openAttribute, a member of class McDbBlockReference. | |
返回块引用插入位置 | |
返回块的旋转角度,单位弧度 | |
返回块的缩放比例 | |
设置块表记录id | |
设置块记录中的实体坐标变换成wcs坐标的变换矩阵 | |
设置颜色值 | |
设置CAD的颜色索引值 | |
This is SetInnerId, a member of class McDbBlockReference. | |
This is SetInnerListId, a member of class McDbBlockReference. | |
设置实体的线重,如果要支持线重显示,在控件初始函数后调用MxDraw::SetIsShowWeight设置显示线重 | |
设置块引用插入位置 | |
设置块的旋转角度,单位弧度 | |
设置块的缩放比例 | |
设置实体是否可见 |